Bridget Marquardt In Hot Swimsuit

Bridget Marquardt In Hot Swimsuit

Bridget Marquardt swimsuit
Hefner’s ex girlfriend, like she was every his fucking girlfriend, or anything but a shitty publicity stunt that spunoff into a TV show and tons of media attraction, does some show that involves her being in a bikini, or variation of a bikini, traveling the world rating beaches and pulling stupid stunts on the beach to make the shit more interesting to watch, because this concept is played the fuck out and frustrating. It’s like while all of us assholes sit in our shitty homes, listening to our disgusting pig wives chew their fuckin’ potato chips, pretty much hearing her heart struggle for breathe as she suffocates it with grease, watching this shit, imgagining how great life would be if only we could pay off that credit card debt and grab a few tickets to travel the fucking world, she’s the one living in luxury, getting paid big money, filming this shit while dancing around in a bikini all day, and that is just unfair enough for me to hate it.

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